
thedoctor said:
I read the shit about this yesterday in the news. The Clinton camp says they don't want to get into a mudslinging campaign and just talk issues, but then they say that Obama should give all the money back because of what Geffen said about her. I like that Obama's camp mentioned that the Clintons had no problem with Geffen when he was raising them money and getting to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House. And this is just the beginning of the campaign, folks. The Dems are just fighting amongst themselves. The Republicans haven't even geared up their mudslinging.

Yeah, there's also the part where Obama hinted that Clinton's a bit racist in her choice of supporters:

    For good measure, Obama himself took this shot at Hillary today: " "It is also ironic that Senator Clinton lavished praise on Monday and is fully willing to accept today the support of South Carolina State Sen. Robert Ford, who said if Barack Obama were to win the nomination, he would drag down the rest of the Democratic Party because ’he's black.’"