Obama Passes the Buck

    Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, told New Hampshire firefighters Friday that he was frustrated his staff did not build into his travel schedule a personal appearance before their union meeting taking place in the coastal city of Portsmouth. Instead, the presidential hopeful had to address the IAFF and Federation of State and Provincial Firefighters Association this morning by telephone.

    "I have to tell you, I wish I was there," Obama said over a speakerphone. "My staff had already scheduled some things and they couldn't wiggle out if it. They heard from me a little bit because I wasn't happy I couldn't be there personally."

This is lame.

It comes across as phony, but even if accurate, it makes him seem like a weak leader. He wants to do something, but is held back by some subordinate staffers?

Meanwhile, according to his official schedule, he was in Iowa and St. Louis today.

I look forward to the story of him telling those crowds, "I have to tell you, I wish I weren't here, but my staff had scheduled me for this. I would rather be speaking in New Hampshire."