I've read this thread periodically....having read all of the posts over time; some significantly later after they've originally been posted.

I know most of the personalities that post here.

I respect many of the opinions of said personalities even if I don't always agree...especially when they come from the ultimate left of left.

The deal is...I can't really tell if the dislike of Obama comes from his politics or his race.

I admit to being biased. My life experience has been such that I see a certain amount of racism in many things that involve minorities. Much of it is justified, a very small portion is not.

I see many people on this thread and others that appear to be against Obama just because his skin is a different tone than their own...even the swarthy Greek participants on this thread; who are naturally darker that the subject, by the way.

Does his race make him any less qualified than the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania...? The same gentleman that has presided over the worst mismanagement of the most violent conflict this country has seen since Vietnam...? That has been the head of what will probably be the most indited administraion since the Watergate years...?

Is he really any worse than any of the candidates on the RIGHT side of the issues...? Those with issues of character as strong as any of the previous administration...? Those that have turned on their own party's rhetoric to gain favor with a country sick of war...? Those who've lost ground with the general public for being willing to stand by their (current) hawkish convictions regardless of the the overwhelming attitude against the conflict and the administration who started it and exaggerated the truth to win support of it?

Is he really that worse an alternative than the honorable Dem. senator from Illi-York...? The carpet-bagger that has more pratical experience (thru observation and advising) governing a nation than any other candidate of either political persuasion...? The candidate whose only apparent major flaws are that she has a pussy and stayed with a man who has admitted to infidelities...?

Perhaps (as most white people will always say) I'm reading too much into the situation. Maybe you Republicans folk really like us black folk...as long as we stay in our place and don't get too uppity...like running for president. You like us just fine as nannies, gardeners, postal workers and drug dealers. But when we try to get edu-ma-cated and better ourselves...well, y'all just don't cotton to that idea at all.

Perhaps I'm wrong. I'm sure several of you will definitely chime in to tell me exactly that...and why I'm a racist for even suggesting that you could possibly be the same.

That's cool. I hope I am wrong. For your sakes.

In a year or so, there is a real possibility that the could be a finally be a black memaber of the executive office of this country...possibly even a Woman AND a Black Guy.

I'd hate to see all of you have to move back to the old country to protest.

Peace and hair grease, y'all.

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love