First off....your definition of sincerity is accurate when you are talking about people like us...average joes. It doesn't apply to people like movie stars and politicians who pay people to tell them how to act and what to say. Take Tom Cruise for example....he fired his PR guy of many years and the result was the world got to see the real Tom Cruise.....not the Vanilla Fluff Image they made of him all these years.

I'm not a rascist just because I don't get good vibes from Obama. I hope Black people don't vote for him just cause he's Black. There are/were several Greek American politicians over the years and most of them are/were Democrats who I don't agree with most of the time. I certainly wouldn't vote for them to be President just to have someone like me in office. I'd vote for a Purple Elephant with Pink Polka Dots all over him/her if they would be strong on National Defense and keep taxes fair and get rid of the Estate tax.

MEM in another thread you said about Hillary, "I like her get over it." which is fine....

I don't like Obama and I believe he is lying about many things and trying to give you and the rest of America what he thinks they want to see no who he really is......get over it.