
Wonder Boy said:
I guess it's also not a statement of any significance that every "Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard" in America, far from being a center of peace, is a center of crime, drugs and violence.

it's not a statement of any significance. Do you have any statistical evidence? Do you have racial breakdowns of the neighborhoods? Do you have (more important than race in determining crime rates) economic breakdowns of the neighborhoods?
Or is this just some generalization like "all black people are lazy and that's why they have stupid hair"?


As I've said across several topics now (contrary to the "white racist" stereotype the liberal media likes to project) it is in fact blacks who commit the majority of racial violence against whites, at a ratio of about 50 incidents to 1.

Wow. Somehow you've managed to blame racism on the "liberal media" and turn black people into bad guys.
Black on black crime is more common than black on white crime.
And white people have more of a history of racism. Lynchings, slavery, racial stereotypes. Black people who are prejudice generally feel that way due to a feeling of oppression. And the fact is, its only been in the last 40 years that they even had civil rights laws on the books. It takes time and generations for the painful memories to fade away.
Michael Richards, the Simpson trial, Rodney King, Watts Riots, FBI spying on King and the Black Panthers. This is all within the last 50 years.
Please stop trying to play the white middle class victim card.


Something motivates this violence by blacks against other racial groups. And I beleive it's the sense of entitlement, of something owed to blacks. An indoctinated sense of rage, that blacks are somehow given license to lash out in acts of violence.

or perhaps there is a certain sense of frustration in lower income neighborhoods. Your comments don't really seek to address the problems, you're just trying to imply blacks are bad in a roundabout way.


And of liberal rationalization, not only within the black community, but also by non-black liberal politicians pandering to the black community, that rationalize such incidents as understandable backlash to "generations of racism" or whatever.

Again blaming the liberals?
As I pointed out above, there is a constant stream of racism, a separation between white and black in the culture that only encourages hostility and emboldens racists like yourself. Thankfully, things do improve. Just in my lifetime I have seen serious improvement in the racial relations. I guess I live in hope since I can't fall back on the dream of a white's only heaven.


I say it again: every racial group on Earth has been discriminated against by every other group who could do so. Blacks are not unique in their suffering !

true, but there's a flaw in your logic. (see below)


Should I sue the Italians for their Roman ancestors invading and seizing property of my ancestors?
The Huns?
The Vandals? The Visigoths?
The French?
The Scandinavians?
The Mongols?

Here's the logic flaw:
The Roman Empire no longer exists, the Egytpian Empire is gone, and pretty much all of the others are too.
The Germans had to make it up to the French and the Jews for their recent bits of evil.
Slavery involving Africans did not happen with some now-defunct government. It was the United States of America in what is still the United States of America.
Now I don't think anyone is talking seriously about reparations between descendents (that seems silly), but there is a need for fence bending. And, unfortunately, the KKK and folks like yourself have basically agrivated the matter since the Civil War ended. Civil Rights was the first real stepping stone, and race relations have improved, racism has declined to the point that its considered abhorent and America in general is a better place because of it.
Black History month is about intergration, about mainstreaming blacks by acknowledging that they have been part of history as artists and inventors and overall pioneers. It brings more of a sense of their true place alongside whites in history. I think it's a great thing for children to learn that black people were more than just slaves, and it gives black youths a sense that they can actually accomplish something other than being a stereotype for people like yourself to look down on.


How much is enough?

yes, how much is enough? how much whining do we have to hear from people like you about not always being the center of attention. March-December is White History Months, is that enough? You have a Christian President who wages holy wars to kill infidels in the middle east but you whine because two gay people want to marry and that somehow threatens your marriage.
How much is enough?


I'm proud of the fact that the United States has come so far with civil rights. And I regard the attitude that clings to the past, and pretends it's still 1965, as spoiled, arrogant, and a breeding ground for precisely the kind of violence this article cites.

You want to hold up a crazy person as representative of their entire race? There are way crazier white people. And I would personally not want to go down this standard as Charles Manson's race war belief would be impossible to defend (he was white and hated blacks so by your standards all whites hate blacks).

I can discuss similar incidents, that are just as close to my home. This attitude in the black community has to end, so the nation can move on, and blacks can enjoy the freedom that truly exists now.

One guy, who was crazy, got violent. it happens, every day, across all race lines.


As I've said previously, while there are many incidents of black violence against other racial groups, there are many more blacks who feel that indoctrinated anger, but would not take that anger to the level of violence. But the indoctinated angry message is there just the same, and that is the true cause of alienation between blacks and the rest of America.

there are many messages. Bill Cosby advocates blakc kids to get off their asses and go to college. Many many many messages. Just the same as how there are whites who advocate racial purity.


And I have to wonder based on that: Are Martin Luther King Day and Black History Month true celebrations of freedom?
Or are they, in truth, part of the divisive "hate whitey" culture of rage?

maybe you're just an asshole and the black people you've known have been responding to that.
I live in a black neighborhood, and a pretty shitty one at that. I get along fine and have never had a problem because I don't approach them like they're lesser than me.
Give that a try some time.

Bow ties are coool.