Seriously, I responded to this. I don't know where my posts are going today.


Wonder Boy said:
Perhaps it's your own ignorance?

Basically, you've said that no matter how researched and documented, no matter what the source, you have the answers, and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.
More than wrong: ignorant.
You have all the answers, your knowledge is superior on the issue to anyone else's. Because you were born black.
Well, there are many black americans, and many foreign-born black U.S. citizens who disagree with you, and many of them have publicly spoken and written on the subject to say you're dead wrong.

Okay, fine. I'm white, let's assume that disqualifies my opinion. What about them?

Didn't you just jump down Karl's throat for putting words in your mouth? Maybe you should follow your own advice.

I never said that my race made me more knowledgeable or that your race made you any less. I said that I've researched both sides and that THAT made me more knowledgeable and invited you to prove that you too have researched the other side by telling me what you know. If you can't, fine. But now you're playing the race card when your race and mine weren't even an issue.


Wonder Boy said:
That's total bullshit on your part.

HERE's my last response to the previous topic, where I voice openness to further considering your perspective, but question by what factual documentation you consider your black-liberal-spin statistics as somehow superior to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics of black criminal arrests and convictions.

Again, you're saying that something happened that didn't. Where did I show "black-liberal-spin statistics"?


Wonder Boy said:
I remained open to your opinion. You're the one who walked away, and didn't offer documentation to support your views.

Do you really want to know why I walked away? It's because you cherry picked. You did it in that thread and you're doing it in this thread. You're ignoring portions of posts (such as the part of my previous post from the other thread I quoted and all the parts of other people's posts I quoted earlier) and focusing on the parts you want to debate. I'd rather not go through the effort of typing paragraph after paragraph to no avail.

That's why I left the discussion.


Wonder Boy said:
I've read articles as I've found them, representing both sides of the issue, and not found the black-liberal perspective you advocate to be credible.
The black liberal opposition's argument is always that the statistics for crime, education, etc., somehow always misrepresent black criminality, education, etc. And yet they somehow accurately reflect the status of every other racial demographic group.

Show me where you found this.


Wonder Boy said:
What you voice is more of a conspiracy theory-- of deliberate misrepresentation of arrest and conviction records, to keep blacks from being accurately represented --than a documented credible argument.

Aren't you saying that there's a liberal media conspiracy?

I've given you numbers before based on credible sources, but you chose not to believe. Fine, I'll use your own sources.

Feel free to show me where any liberal spin is used.

First I'll quote you numbers from the U.S. Department of Justice. But I won't use the numbers you used. Why? Because they're from the 1990s.

In 2002 the Justice Department reported that blacks committed roughly 1.2 million violent crimes. That's all violent crimes. Black on black, black on white, black on little green aliens. All of it. That number is significantly less than the numbers given in the 50:1 report used by Jared Taylor and co.

Any liberal spin yet?

Okay, same year. In 2002 there were approximately 29.3 million blacks in the U.S. 12 and over. That puts the black crime rate at 4 percent, or 40 crimes per 1000 black males.

Of course, you might be assuming right now that means that 40 out of every 1000 black males committed some form of violent crime in 2002. However, that's just silly. A majority of all crimes are committed by repeat offenders. If you really need more sources for that, I'll provide them, but really it's just common sense and I'm not sure how you can possibly see that as liberal spin.

So let's take some numbers. I'll even use numbers more conservative than those in the above link. Sources say that 70 percent of all crime is committed by about 7 percent of all offenders. And those aren't even the most stringent numbers. Those are the numbers based on a report out of USF. That report, by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with race. It actually argues against light punishment and letting people out on bail. Anywho, that means that 840,000 of the crimes by blacks would have been committed by just 7 percent of the black offenders. The other 93% would have committed the other 360,000.

Where's the liberal spin?

Now, after a quick trip to the calculator we find that this means that by generally acceptable reasoning (by both the liberal and conservative perspective), 387,000 black males between the ages of 12 and infinity committed violent crimes of some sort in 2002. 387,000 out of 29.3 million black males. That's .13 percent. I'll throw you a Jared Taylor handicap and double that. 774,000 yields .26 percent. Just over one quarter of a percent from a race filled with a "sense of rage." And yeah, that isn't black on white. In fact, black on white is less than half (it has to be since black on black is greater and we're not even including other races). Taking you back down to .13 percent with Jared in mind.

You're right, we must hate you.


Wonder Boy said:
As I've said before, even black police officers look at black suspects with more scrutiny. That's not "prejudice". That's experience, based on reality of who the criminals consistently are.

Wow, this is...this is racist!

I mean, there's no way to deny it. Not only are you saying that looking at black suspects with more scrutiny isn't prejudice, but that it should be so.

I'm speechless!