
Beardguy57 said:
Wonder Boy, you are using some sort of strange "Anti - logic" which I cannot comprehend.

I wish you could see this. That is all that I have to say on this subject. Others have already spoken very succinctly here, and any arguments I can muster would only be repeating what has already been said.

And, yeah, this is coming from me, a person who normally is very neutral in this forum, sorta like a one man Switzerland.

Beardguy, I like you, but on this post I disagree with you.

I can't even discern what you mean by "anti-logic". I've been extensively detailed in my responses here, and there's really not much more to say. I'll respond if further asked, but otherwise I've been as clear as can be. And there's already been much repeating of points, on both sides.
My own repeating has largely been in answer to those who didn't read, or chose to ignore or misrepresent, what I posted the first time.