
Beardguy57 said:

Captain Sammitch said:

Beardguy57 said:
It was not my intent to annoy, but as you know, I rarely speak up about real issues, and Black History month is a special one for me.

Because you like black men?

No, Phil. it is much more than that.. I have a longstanding interest in black history, achievements by black people, black culture, black music, etc.

It runs much deeper for me than just merely being attracted to black men.

Yeah, you didn't touch the rest of my post. I was trying to ask a question of substance, and you replied with pleasantly syrupy Jerryfluff™. I'm happy you have an interest in people and accomplishments and events that are thoroughly inextricable from the cultural identity of America (despite any attempted isolation thereof) as a whole, though.


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