Hero left Chief Danner’s office jumping straight out of the window. Many jumps later, he landed on the roof of a small building near the Edge riverside. Two story down the stairs, the MBLeaguer got into the apartment on the right side of the landing.

The place was very dark, as nearly no light was coming in from the closed blinds of the windows. But for the enhanced sense of the superhero it was not a problem. And in fact it would have not been a problem for anyone, as he just went straight across the room, opened the door on the opposite side and disappeared behind it.

It took 13 seconds for Hero to reappear on the other side of the door. The next room was very different, brightly lit by neon lamps scattered across the ceiling. On the walls there were many technological devices, flexible tubes, glass tanks filled with green liquids and an open closet with many hanging grey and silver costumes replica of Hero’s own. A single, big glass window was opening over a balck, star filled sky.

In a corner, there was an ample console with a big grey translucent cylinder sprouting out of the horizontal desk.

Over the desk there was also a small Dell laptop.

Hero went to the computer, opened it and put the DVD in the tray. Typing phreneticly on the keyboard, he activated a bluetooth link. And suddenly, the grey cylinder lit up and the names of the missing kids appeared in it, like three dimensional objects fluctuating and rotating in a light yellow glow.

Hero closed the Dell, and began to wave his hands around the surface of the cylinder. Other words appeared, written in a foreign lettering, and slowly a web of thin threads began to build up between the mysterious word and the names of the kid.

After a few minutes, the construct inside the cylinder stopped, and then a single word, in the unknown language, replaced it.

With a single gesture, Hero put off the device.

And whispered the word.
