Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Yeah, except you believe that level of scrutiny only applies to Republicans, no matter how false and trumped-up the charges.

And that holding Democrats (Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosy, Richard Durbin, Howard Dean...) to the same standard is only "partisanship" and "right-wing conspiracy".

As fortune would have it, even a broken clock is right twice a day, and George W. Bush's presidency (in contrast to other Republican presidencies of recent decades) has been a showcase of errors and unused opportunities. But many of the same mistakes and abuses of office were ones you defended when it was Clinton in the white house, and not Bush.

But no matter how partisan, how vicious, and how unproven the allegations by Democrats about Republicans, or about the very principles and history of the nation itself, you're all too eager to beleive it.

You can't white wash history and pretend we're perfect. You know every other country thinks they're the greatest. And every empire in history has reached a certain level of prosperity and then fell apart due to corruption and hubris. I never had a problem with Clinton being investigated and scrutinized. But lying about oral sex? Was that really worth the millions in investigation? That was an orchestrated effort (by the very definition a conspiracy) to get Clinton. Coulter admitted to leaking information to drag out the Jones matter, Brock has come forward and admitted that he was part of it and took directives to get Clinton no matter what.
These are more serious matters than sex or a civil lawsuit. Debating the war and criticizing a failing president is the best thing for this country. Stirring up debate helps get the right results, and admitting our faults and shortcomings allows us to improve. Just waving a flag and saying "America is great" only allows those faults and weaknesses to grow until we topple (see: Rome)

Bow ties are coool.