Ah... my unwritten EPS story. Had a couple of ideas for it and it was something Gooz and I were working on for a while. Lemme break it down for ya, Euro.

Firstly - as you know - El Buitre, the Cavallis, and Col. Nemo weren't really dead as Walker had led Euro to believe in "The Odyssey". They were actually just added to the EPS, as that was always Walker's M.O. more than just blatantly killing. This new, beefed-up EPS would start assembling other metahumans to join their cause - a couple of unused characters for an all-female meta-liberation team I once eluded to (called F.E.M.M.E.), named Arial (an idea I loaned to CJ that became Brianna way back when who would be Brianna's polar opposite) and the Sunbird (a pyrokinetic who was pretty much a female Jules Winnfield from Pulp Fiction - I put her in my latest "Pantheon" post because I liked that character so much) and some others I don't recall at the moment.

Once assembled, the pieces were set for the ultimate chess game between him and Dr. Paragon - pitting both Vanguard teams against Walker's EPS. Stuff would happen, people would fight... characters you'd thought were gone would make cameos simply because I wanted them to (undoubtedly pissing off their creators). Eventually, Lochlan (Avatar's old character who I, for some reason, kept around) would turn on the EPS and it would be up to Turner (whose actual meta-abilities - in addition to the energy manipulation - were shutting on and off other meta-abilities) to put him down. Which he would.

Then Walker's endgame comes into play. He's been gathering information on the metagene all these years in order to effectively negate it. All across the board. No more metahumans at all. (Like "House of M" before there was "House of M". Had I actually written it, I would've been able to sue Bendis. Now... nothing.) He'd been working on a machine to shut down the metagene by amplifying Turner's power to broadcast it across the world. (Okay, I'll admit... that bit I stole for Morrison's JLA 'WW3' storyline.)

In the final brawl, Turner is hooked up to the machine and already beginning to neutralize the metagene all over the place, effectively killing both metaheroism and metaterrorism in one masterstroke. Then, Turner has a change of heart and decides to turn everyone on the planet into a metahuman. Looking back, I don't remember why, but Gooz wanted Turner to die a hero and not a monster. I hadn't really worked out the ending much, which is why I never wrote it. But, as you're reading this... you're probably glad I didn't.

Also, in order to answer a question I know you've been asking for about six years, Euro, I originally wanted the aliens in order to do a story about two alien races who have been warring for millennia, leaving planets ruined in their path. Naturally, they come to Earth and out entire planet is caught in the crossfire. It's up to Vanguard (then the MBL) to literally save the planet, something not really on the scale of anything they'd ever done. Tired plot? Maybe... but I think it would've been fun to see how it all played out.