Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch

I don't know if its true. However, as noted before, it would be nice if people like Ray would once and while say something positive about the country OTHER than how it gives them the right to bash it.

So you bypass my quotes from presidents and long speech about how America was founded on principles that are now being undercut by the jingoism and go right for calling me anti-american and saying i need to praise america more.


Yeah, like you quote Ronald Reagan because you believe in his principles. Or any of these guys, except maybe Kennedy.

Give me a break. You contemptuously allege the racism and tyranny of the United States from throughout its history, and only argue its virtues when using it as a weapon in further trying to slander conservatives.

You quoting Reagan. Now that's funny. We all know what an admirer you are of Reagan's. \:rollseyes