Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Yeah, like you quote Ronald Reagan because you believe in his principles. Or any of these guys, except maybe Kennedy.

Give me a break. You contemptuously allege the racism and tyranny of the United States from throughout its history, and only argue its virtues when using it as a weapon in further trying to slander conservatives.

You quoting Reagan. Now that's funny. We all know what an admirer you are of Reagan's. \:rollseyes

Reagan was a dick, but the quote I used from him was a good one. The fact is that you do white wash history everytime you bitch about someone bringing up something negative (or when you say slaves didn't have it that bad or whatever the hell the exact racist crap was you spewed).
America is not some holy country where god blessed everyone and had jesus hand deliver the bill of rights. America is a country built by very very smart men. Smart men who adapted ideas of democracy from other countries in history and adapted the bill of rights from England and put it all together to create a powerful foundation.
America is from it's origins an intellectual place, founded on ideas.
For the country to really last we must have total honesty with ourselves and our history. So yes our very great faults should be brought up, and they should be constantly mentioned until the shame of it makes us want to have a "never again" attitude. That is how countries improve and stay around, by refreshing themselves.
I see your stance as dangerous. As I've said we're not the first big empire in history that thinks we're blessed by god and history shows that such an attitude leads to stagnation.
See you love America no matter what and just want to heap nothing but praise upon it. I love America because it was founded on some excellent ideals and I get very very mad when we play the role of the bad guys, and I think that right now with what Bush is doing we need to remind ourselves of our sins in the past, remind ourselves that we are not perfect and that we have made some grave mistakes. Because I will never be happy with this country until we have leaders who are valued for their intellect and wisdom, and who make decisions based on facts and morals not based on hunches and their faith.

Bow ties are coool.