Originally Posted By: Chewy Walrus
Then Walker's endgame comes into play. He's been gathering information on the metagene all these years in order to effectively negate it. All across the board. No more metahumans at all. (Like "House of M" before there was "House of M". Had I actually written it, I would've been able to sue Bendis. Now... nothing.)

This reminds me of a similar situation I had. My never-introduced-but-only-mentioned character, Tim Ito, was essentially a Japanese guy who could bend time with the force of his mind. Ever since Hiro Nakamura appeared on Heroes (great show, BTW), with roughly the same setup I had in mind for Tim Ito, my character can only look like a rip-off of Hiro. If Tim Ito was a ripoff of anything, it was a ripoff of my Time Trust android character, who was a blatant ripoff of both the android Hourman (Ty) and Data from ST:TNG.

My next ripoff will be just as blatant, I'm sure.