Yeah, I had a rough plan to first do a Krononauts origin story, written in the form of Helen McKenzie's personal journal. This would have detailed a Mandelovian government-sponsored (under General D'Goon) time travel project overseen by Helen Quantos McKenzie. The story would take place over the course of a year or so, and by the ending the assembled Krononauts would escape from D'Goon's control and flee directly into space-time... Or something like that.

Other than that their number would be restricted to five members, I can't recall much about the actual Krononauts themselves except for Helen McKenzie. Thanks for reminding me about Link Fox. Nemo was also going to be a member, as I recall, and it would have been his government connections that enabled the Krononauts to escape from D'Goon's clutches. Ah, well. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that I'll get around to that origin story again.

I'd also planned on writing the "origin story" of Mandelovia itself, which was tied in to the Krononauts origin story, and would have explained a lot of the strange features of our favorite fictional European nation. I have tons of detailed notes about Mandelovia that I've never used. It's a shame.