Since this has turned into the Island of Misfit Stories (No one wants a Prometheus in a box!) Thread, I guess I can discuss my 'Alternate Timeline' story that I'd come up with and started on before work and other frustrations led me to abandon it. Essentially, it was an excuse to try and get a fresh view on many of the MBL characters (as it was started right before or during the whole renaming thing) and where they'd be had they never met the team.

The story was simple in design, or so I thought. A group of scientists were conducting an experiment (black holes, I believe. It's been so long I can't remember) using terribly advanced equipment they had borrowed from a group I was simply calling 'The Guild'. The Guild was an Illuminati type of organization dating back hundreds of years who took it upon themselves to try and direct the direction and progression of humanity's science and technology; therefore, they possessed a lot of super advanced equipment, whether by confiscating it from other scientists, Mandelovia, or even aliens, developing it themselves, or maybe even by other means. Well, the scientists didn't keep their promise to The Guild, so The Guild decided to take back their equipment. The Guild, essentially still being scientists, hire out this work to a bunch of thugs they outfit with advanced armor and weapons (as well as some of them being metas to begin with). The thugs botch the job and cause the experiment to go awry and send a shockwave backwards through the fabric of time and space changing history. The closer to the event, the more effect the shockwave had. The one main change is that the MBL never formed. The one thing that didn't change was that the experiment was going to happen again, and again, and again, basically putting time in a big loop. Each time it would weaken the fabric of time, which was already weakened due to the events in Pro's massive MBL/TOMB story.

The only one not directly affected were The Order, as they live outside of the normal universe, though they are a hub, and another group of adventurers led by Doc Paragon and advised by Paradigm as they were all stuck in limbo at the time (this is before Grimm introduced Paragon and Paradigm in his story). Wells, of Pro's Order, is deathly ill. He's laying comatose due to his direct connection to time. Time's fucked up, so he is too; and no one in the Order is sure what to do without his advice. Paradigm decides to act on his own and try and group the MBL together in this timeline to prevent the incident from recurring and breaking the cycle, restoring the old timeline. In the end as the MBL fought the Guild's hired thugs, The Order would show up to attempt to stop them, as they are afraid that Paradigm's interference will cause greater disruption and possibly kill Wells. That's when Paragon and his team will enter the fight as a protective line between The Order and the MBL. So, yeah, two major fight scenes going at once. The main thing about this story was how I'd used the characters.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."