• Dirk - I pretty much used what I'd written as the opener of his last solo story, with a few revisions, to show that he'd pretty much just started out where he ended up. The only exception was that he was even angrier. Pretty much the front that he put up while in the MBL to shield himself was not a front in this reality.
  • Phil - Phil was living in a suburban family's attic without their knowledge. Using his psychic powers, he was able to shield his presence from them much the same way Jean Gray did in the Ultimate X-Men before I even read the Ultimate line. He was doing a one-man A-Team type deal by helping out the average Joe or Josephina who were in trouble to make amends for New York all while feeling lonely and disconnected from the world.
  • Mick/Mxy - I'd gone back and read the early stuff preparing for this story. I had decided to change what I thought was the most important part of Mick's life. Shirley, instead of falling in love with Mick, had fallen in love with his roommate, who was only mentioned in one post I believe, and was engaged to marry him, if she hadn't already. I'd written what I thought was a good scene with Mick looking into the mirror and having a argument with Mxy about not turning his old roommate into a cow.
  • Eurostar - Euro was the EPS's top agent and took pride in the commendations he received from his boss, Dr. Walker. I believe I kept Euro's phasing powers here, allowing him to move through walls and obstacles. Walker was still the same Walker had Euro's cloned son, who Euro was unaware of, safely secured in his facility. Turner was Euro's partner. Though they interacted as best friends, Turner was actually quite jealous of Euro and his usurping of the position as Walker's second in command.
  • Tayden - He knew that shit was wrong but not much more than that. He sat out on the beach outside of the old Dawson building contemplating the situation.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."