Originally Posted By: thedoctor
[*]Mick/Mxy - I'd gone back and read the early stuff preparing for this story. I had decided to change what I thought was the most important part of Mick's life. Shirley, instead of falling in love with Mick, had fallen in love with his roommate, who was only mentioned in one post I believe, and was engaged to marry him, if she hadn't already. I'd written what I thought was a good scene with Mick looking into the mirror and having a argument with Mxy about not turning his old roommate into a cow.

Ha! Neat. Yeah, Mick's roommate in Chicago was only mentioned in one post, in like the third issue. Mick and Naecken are eating burgers when Mick suddenly remembers about his rommate and calls him for ten seconds to let him know he's alive. I should have made the guy show up in the wedding, or at least reference him (maybe I did).