Originally Posted By: Uschi
Watched "23" tonight. Three hours of gratuitous sex with 20 minutes of poorly executed weak conspiracy theory. Sorry, 23 minutes of crap numerology. I can't say I'm surprised after realizing it was a Joel Shitmakker.

Ultimate Jaburg53: There was gratuitous sex in The Number 23?

Uschi: yeah, like 23 incidents of such (we watched unrated, thinking it was the director's choice, later realizing our mistake that it just meant more sensationalistic crap)

Ultimate Jaburg53: I never would have guessed it from the trailer
Ultimate Jaburg53: Jim Carrey nudity
Ultimate Jaburg53: Kinda makes me sick a bit

Uschi: He toned up a little, and didn't talk with his butt-cheaks.

Ultimate Jaburg53: Where is the fun in that?

Uschi: heh. well, 'know how in his comedies he pretends to cry and does that little lip-quiver thing? He did that in a dramatic (loose definition of the term) moment.

Ultimate Jaburg53: Ha.
Ultimate Jaburg53: I bet they send it for Oscar consideration.

Uschi: No, it's really crap. There are lines like, "I *used* to be good... but NOW i'm BAAAD."

Ultimate Jaburg53: How did it end?

Uschi: killer goes to jail, after a brief scene where the chick trys to convince him "he's a new person!" and ignoring the guy that's been in prison for years.
Uschi: It's totally weak. The begining sucks 'cause they fail to make us give a shit about the characters before the characters are conflicted mentally and spiritually -- we never know the norm that is to be deviated from.
Uschi: middle sucks 'cause it's so so weakly written (like that line I mentioned). It's like the worst quality pulp fiction you can imagine, based on loose numerology connections that are so contrived as to be retarded.

Ultimate Jaburg53: You didn'y buy this did you?

Uschi: the end is bollocks because they take 30 minutes to hammer all the little bits so far down your throat that a bug would have a hard time missing all the "nuances"
Uschi: NO! ha ha! No, Netflicks.

Ultimate Jaburg53: Thank goodness.

Uschi: no kidding!
Uschi: it was foul filmmaking.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"