I'm actually starting to like Obama, and his image as a departure from politics as usual, and a departure from partisanship, instead finding a unifying middle ground, beginning political discussion with what we can agree on, rather than where we diverge.

I still think he comes across as a bit pedantic, and as having a worldview more like that of a college professor than a skilled and effective politician. But he's a presidential candidate I could embrace more readily than Hillary Clinton.

I'd like to see Obama voice more clear objectives for the nation than I've heard from him so far. And more evidence that he can be a smart, quick and effective decision-maker. My concern is that he is too sympathetic to all sides, and might not provide effective leadership. (i.e., Jimmy Carter syndrome)

He's also one of the least tested candidates, with only two years in the Senate. John F. Kennedy similarly had little previous experience. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, while arguably outsiders, had both previously governed a state. I'd like to see clear vision and leadership that demonstrates Obama's ability to govern.