Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Uschi
Yeah, it wasn't graphic, but it was still rape -- if I recall, she had to be penetrated for her poison-snatch to kill the rapist.

Yeah, but he kissed her mouth and when they were referring back to how the poisin got into his system, they flashed back to the kiss. Hmmm, maybe I chose to see it as "attempted" and not completed.

Eh, either way, its the whole rape/attempted rape/all women must be naked at some point in the adult anime that I've seen that annoys me.

This was still a good movie. though.

i didn;t see a rape in ninja scrolls. i thought it was proven by the fact she mentions that her poison has become so deadly that even a kiss can kill now. i believe she said that while speaking to the lead character once when he attempted to kiss her.

also why i didn;t think it was too gratuitous. i mean there was a lil more than necessary, but at the same time, he did have to try and get down at least to have gotten a kiss to be poisoned with.