I got my 5 free HD-DVD's (finally) in the mail yesterday. It only took about 2X as long as promised.

So I decided to watch 2 of them last night.

First off..

I can't believe I ever enjoyed this film. It was BORING. Worse, the clarity of the HD presentation makes all the FX work look FAKE as FAKE can get.


This film has always been overblown and pretentious but at one point in time I actually enjoyed watching it. Now i'm just struck at how flat and unmotivated the band sounds thru much of the performances. I have much better bootleg DVD's that I've downloaded. This might have to do with the gargantuan film crew that you can clearly see being all over the damned place and in between the band onstage.

The video quality is top notch of course. A lot of film grain but I'm sure that was deliberate.

I guess it'll be a while until we get people who actually WANT to film in HD and people who film in HD who don't think it's more realistic to ADD grain.

Still, some good performances sprinked throughout, such as the powerful "Sunday Bloody Sunday".

The rest of the films I recieved are:

The Perfect Storm
Apollo 13

I'll probably watch them tonight.