Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
I hated the Perfect Storm. It was mostly awful.

I didn't think it was too bad, but knowing how it was going to end dampened (no pun intended) any enthusiasm I had for the film.

However, my wife decided that she had to see that movie, in no small part to the fact it featured George Clooney and her home state of Massachusetts. So, on a weekend when it was her turn to choose a movie, she dragged me to see it at dingy little arthouse theater at the end of its run. The theater put it on a screen that was (and I am not making this up) only about eight feet high and sixteen feet wide, in a side room that held only about thirty seats.

At the end of the movie, she was in tears. She never thought that George Clooney would die. I guess she missed the whole true story it was based on.

To make matters worse, literally three days later the damn thing came out on DVD.