That Franken quote ticked you off that much that to respond you have to ressurect your idioticly titled "Do liberals Hate America" thread rather than responding to my quote in the thread where it was placed, eh?

Again the answer is a resounding NO.

Despite how many times right wingers try to frame dissent of Bush policies as being "anti-American".

and sorry, you can't put people who have 76% of the country AGREEING with them as "hating America". WE ARE AMERICA!!!

As far as "bush hating", Sorry, that one doesn't fly anymore either. You are so 2004, with your bullying tactics. When most of the country dissaproves of Bush policies and doesn't even trust the guy when he makes speeches on things like the economy becuase he's completely discredited everywhere else, yelling "Bush hating" isn't really indicting anyone.

It sort of tempts me into starting a "Do Cons have contempt and hate for the wishes of most American's" thread myself. ;\)