Originally Posted By: the G-man
Okay, whomod. Prove me wrong. Show me a group of radical liberals who say something positive about America OTHER than noting that our Constitution gives him or her the right to attack it.

Well there you go....

Now it switched to "radical" liberals?

Like who exactly?

And why do you assume that I need to do all the research? You're the one who brought it up.

As for attacking the Constitution, most liberals I know and read have been absolutely LIVID over the attacks this Administration has done to it. They certainly aren't attacking it as have the heroes of some of the people waving the flags vigorously.

But regardless, I stand behind all those quotes I posted above because I wholeheartedly agree with them. Halo said something to the effect that both liberals and conservatives want the same things. I agree with that. Which is why I get ticked off when people start tossing accusations and questioning loyalty. Because more than anything, it's a silencing technique.

If only we'd have had more dissent and more questioning of motives and facts before the Iraq war and from places where it might have made a difference, like say the media. We'd have almost 4000 Americans still alive, we'd probably be doing something about Al queda in Pakistan and and Afghanistan (read about that place lately?) Instead we're essentially stuck in Iraq. For no good reason.

Instead of dissent, investigation, corroboration, skepticism, and curiosity, we got "patriotic" agreement when Cheney and Bush would subtly use Al qaeda and Iraq in the same sentence. We'd get nodding when DRAWINGS of mobile chemical labs were presented. Provided of course by one lone jerkoff named "Curveball". We'd get nodding when people suggested that questioning Bush and dissenting amounted to being in league with Osama Bin laden. All that did was ease the way into a costly disaster.

And ultimately THAT is what this whole bullshit "Do Liberals HATE America" crap has given us. Congratulations.

And it was all due to 9/11. After 9/11 all that seemed to matter was "patriotism" and blind agreement with the leader. And if only we didn't have an Administration and it's sycophants who exploited that sentiment to the hilt. It's like if people demanded that America stop being America and instead be some authoritarian state where all that mattered was that you were loyal and in agreement to whatever the state did and said. And if you weren't then you for all intents and purposes were an enemy of the state. Because of 9/11. Because of fear. Because you had to trust and not question. Because questioning somehow "weakened America" and emboldened "the enemy". Because "these times" didn't allow for the "luxury" of dissent or constitutional rights or International treaties. As if our Constitution is somehow a "luxury" and not the glue that holds this nation together.

"Patriotism" was exemplified by agreeing with this Administration's flawed or dishonest narrative (depending on what you choose to believe) and disloyalty or being "UnAmerican" or "treason" was defined by how much you disagreed with Bush and/or his policies. Again, just a silencing technique.

And 9/11 was the justification. Even though now we're learning about say, warrantless eavesdropping, which was supposedly because of 9/11. Except that the Administration approached at least one telecom company well before 9/11 and asked to spy on Americans. And planned the Iraq war before that as well.

And the dissenters would get slammed, marginalized and ridiculed. And it got bad. Really bad. Scary bad. If you weren't on my side of the aisle I don't really think you can appreciate it as much.

Which is why Keith Olbermann has the sort of following he does. Because he was the one major news source (non blogger or talk radio) who was actually daring to contradict the Administration and present evidence to back up his contradictions when most if not all the media were in lock step to whatever WH press release was passed of as "fact" and truth for fear of being branded disloyal, anti American or whatever other crap the right tossed (and still tosses). When I first saw him, it was so fucking revolutionary that I could hardly believe my eyes. I'm guessing it was something like emerging from the McCarthy 50's into the New Frontier.