Glenn Greenwald is really kicking ass here. I was mulling over whether to put this story here on in the "liberal media" thread. I chose here since it relates to eavesdropping. But this shabby piece is beyond the pale. And I've come to expect this sort of thing from TIME as of late.

Joe Klein digs Time's hole deeper still

Joe Klein has just posted yet again about his FISA confusion, and it has now moved well beyond farce into an almost pity-inducing realm. If Time has any dignity at all, someone there will intervene and put a stop to this. It's actually difficult to watch.

In the last five days alone, Klein has now written five separate times about his FISA debacle, and is further away than ever from having any idea what he's even talking about -- first was the column itself; second was the Swampland post the same day in which he emphatically defended the accuracy of what he wrote in response to my post; third was the post yesterday in which Klein said he "may have made a mistake in [his] column this week about the FISA legislation" -- the understatement of the year; fourth was an Update he added to that post this morning claiming that he did speak to a Democrat but "may have misinterpreted a Democratic source's point" and "if [he] did, a correction will appear in the print magazine next week"; and now, his fifth effort in tonight's post, actually worse than all the others, in which he still professes confusion after "spen[ding] the past few days nosing around in the ongoing dispute about what the House FISA Reform bill actually says."

The result of all this "nosing around": "I've reached no conclusions." And he then unleashes this:

I have neither the time nor legal background to figure out who's right.

That's been the point all along (although one doesn't need "legal background" -- just basic reading skills and a molecule of critical thought).

This is evidence yet again as to why the blogosphere is becoming more and more people's choice for news and information. You just can't trust the "liberal media" to be accurate or um.. even "liberal" as people allege.

It's just odd and sad that real journalism and accuracy & truth has gone underground.