Hey, anyone....remember this exchange from last year:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Its funny how, as soon as Barack Hussein Obama starts beating Hillary Rodham Clinton in some early polls, negative information about him starts leaking out.

Not that the Clintons would ever slander an opponent or anything. ;\)

 Originally Posted By: Matter Eater Man

G-man [is] just making up accustions about the Clintons...Media Matters....It was ...conservatives [who] would milk Obama going to a Muslim school when he was 6... you would say that Clinton was behind it. Even if you think she's capable of doing it, it's very obvious that she didn't need to.

Now comes the recent news that Hillary staffers were circulating the story about Obama being a Muslim and even hinting that Obama was a drug dealer.

Hillary, of course, claims to be completely ignorant of what her staff was doing.