Ted Kennedy on Retroactive Immunity for the Telecoms:

“We would be aiding and abetting the President in his illegal actions, his contempt for the rule of law, and his attempt to hide his lawbreaking from the American people”

Chris Dodd did it. Reid pulls Telecom Immunity bill off the table!!!!

Yahooooo—-Congratulations to Senator Dodd for showing what a little backbone can do. Harry Reid tabled the FISA bill just a few minutes ago.

Matt Browner-Hamlin writes:

Without Senator Dodd’s leadership today, it is safe to assume that retroactive immunity would have passed. This is a great victory for the American people. His outspoken opposition to retroactive immunity and the Intelligence Committee’s FISA bill made it impossible to move forward now…read on

In his closing speech Dodd vowed to filibuster again in January if telecom amnesty is still part of the FISA legislation. This speech should be watched by every student, every member of Congress as well as all Americans who value their civil liberties. No matter which presidential candidate you support, you can’t get around the fact that this is what REAL, American leadership looks like. Bravo Senator Dodd, BRAVO!