Originally Posted By: whomod
Glenn Greenwald is really kicking ass here. I was mulling over whether to put this story here on in the "liberal media" thread. I chose here since it relates to eavesdropping. But this shabby piece is beyond the pale. And I've come to expect this sort of thing from TIME as of late.

It may be storming outside, but I’m definitely feeling sunshine breaking through some neo-con clouds..

Two conservative Time magazine columnists are on their way out the door: Neither William Kristol nor longtime contributor Charles Krauthammer will be on contract with the magazine starting next month. Mr. Krauthammer confirmed the news to Off the Record, and a spokeswoman for Time said Mr. Kristol’s contract would not be renewed.

The exact reasons for the departures of Mr. Krauthammer and Mr. Kristol, both high-profile backers of the Iraq war, are not entirely clear.

But sadly, we’re not completely rid of rightwing hackery at Time:

And according to two sources familiar with the discussions, Time is in negotiations with National Review editor Ramesh Ponnuru to sign him to a contributor contract. Mr. Ponnuru, who in 2006 published The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life, has written twice for the magazine over the past month.

I was begining to wonder why any reputable publication hires punditry "experts" who are repeatedly proved wrong on everything they assert.