Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Let's be honest, whoever wins the Democratic primary is still going to go up against a GOP attack machine that isn't going to somehow be nicer to Obama if he wins the nomination.

I don't concede that engaging in a vigorous debate and examination of the issues qualifies as an "attack machine." However, you are, of course, correct that both parties will give the eventual nominee of the other party a hard time.


His character will come under fire & be redefined when it's strategically important for the other side to do so. You yourself G-man for example have taken a break with Obama. If you really wanted Hillary to be the Democratic pick you would be posting much differently.

I hate to break it to you, but I'm not so infused with delusions of self-importance that I think my posts are going to influence the course of an election or even how you Democrats here are going to vote in your primary. I come here and give my opinions. That's all.