BET Founder, Clinton backer “insulted” by Obama’s MLK spin

by Aaron Bruns

Billionaire Clinton backer Bob Johnson, who founded Black Entertainment Television, said he’s “a little bit insulted, if you will, by Senator Obama letting his campaign imply that Hillary Clinton does not revere what Martin Luther King did for African Americans.”

“I think that’s taking it way too far,” he said while campaigning with Clinton in South Carolina. “I think Barack understands clearly what the senator was saying.”

Johnson argued that when Clinton said it took action by President Lyndon Johnson to realize the dream of Martin Luther King, she was merely saying that moral change has to be written into law. “That is the way the legislative process works in this nation. And that takes political leadership,” he said.

Johnson said the controversy in the black community wouldn’t hurt Sen Clinton in South Carolina, and suggested it might actually hurt her chief rival. “Nobody believes either Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton would say anything that would denigrate either Barack Obama or Martin Luther King. And to me, what may happen is a backlash may occur when people see that Barack Obama is allowing his PR people to let out the notion that Hillary Clinton did not respect everything that Dr. Martin Luther King or any other person who faced the problems and the threats of being a part of the civil rights movement faced. “

“And to me, Barack knows better than that. And why he would let his people let that come out just shows to me either he’s not in control of what they’re saying, or he’s allowing them to say it knowing he’s wrong.”

You can't be the "politics of hope" & then play with divisive issues like race IMHO.

Fair play!