Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Who are you rooting for these days WB or are you undecided?

I have leanings, I'm not fully decided.

I actually slightly favor Romney at this point over the other Republicans. He has a track record as governor in Massachussetts, that proves he can govern. Although conservative, he governed favorably in a liberal state, which indicates he would not be a divisive figure. He takes a hard stance on immigration. And what I like most is he advocates enforcing our existing laws, rather than complicating things in McCain-Feingold ways, with news laws that might make things even worse, as happened with campaign finance. He expresses a vision for how he plans to lead the nation. And despite being wealthy, he expresses a vision for reforming Washington.
McCain, Thompson, Paul, or Guiliani, I could possibly be convinced to support. McCain is arguably the best military leader, which is an important consideration.
Huckabee, who I initially liked, has revealed himself to have too many flaws for me to support.

On the Democrat side, I've gained some respect for John Edwards, as another populist Washington reformer, who isn't just campaigning, but passionately believes what he says.
Obama also has appeal as a reformer, and I like the guy, but his expressed ideas are too vague, although I like that he urges healing the partisan divide.
And as I said before, him and Hillary sucking up to illegals to get the hispanic votes leaves me unconvinced that either Obama or Hillary will secure our borders.

But unlike Obama, I despise Hillary, who I think combines the corruption of Bill Clinton with the divisive partisanship of George W. Bush, and would just further divide the nation politically, and further undermine our sovereignty with continued business-as-usual globalization and out-of-control immigration.

So in a nutshell, Hillary is the only candidate I've completely rejected. And Huckabee. Sorry about that, I know you favor her. Maybe you can tell me what you see in her that I don't.