Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Clinton is just doing what presidential spouses do in tight races. Obama & Edwards spouses have done the same thing. Clinton has just been more effective than the others.

Well... yes and no. I'd expect anyone to campaign aggressively for their spouse. But Bill Clinton is stepping on some toes.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

On a This Week Sunday morning panel discussion a few weeks ago, one of the panelists suggested that Bill Clinton might be somewhat threatened by Hillary potentially overshadowing his presidency, and with his charisma and rhetoric actually might be deliberately undermining her campaign. Despite campaigning for her, he might have ulterior reasons for not wanting her to win.

That's in the same mode as liberal pundits who (as I mentioned above) think that Bill and Hillary, being true progressive liberals, will at some point have to stand aside and let Obama, the first black man with wide popular support, be elected president. And that this would be the ultimate national healing for past U.S. racism, to elect a black man president, bla bla bla, liberal social theory ad nauseum.

It's pretty hard to run a campaign where it's so close not to step on some toes. The question becomes who's toes are being stepped on & is it worth it. I think Kennedy is being overly sensitive when it comes to Obama. If voters in general think like Kennedy, Bill Clinton will probably go softer on Obama. I don't think they do though.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2008-01-21 3:04 AM.

Fair play!