Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I know, MEM, I know. Because Hillary refuses to admit what everyone knows (namely, her complicity in these attacks) you can cling to the fiction that she isn't behind it.

The Boston Globe” reports three federal employees in two different unidentified agencies are now under investigation for forwarding it from their government computers, a violation of a law banning civil servants from engaging in politics while on the job.

Nobody knows where the Obama smear began, but it has been promoted on right-wing Web sites. At least one official Republican Party Web site pulled it down only by the Clark County GOP in Washington with an admission that they thought it was true.

The e-mail has also spread across the globe via military e-mail, with some U.S. Army members admonished by superiors for having forwarded it. An almost literal version of an aphorism usually credited to Mark Twain but probably actually said in an 1855 sermon by Baptist preacher Charles H. Spurgeon: “A lie will go around the world while truth is pulling its boots on.”

Yep. Sounds like if it's Hillary.

Thank you Whomod, I know your no fan of Hillary but this sums thing up nicely.

And G-man, I recognize that you not only hold Hillary accountable for the actions for everyone in her huge campaign but that she actually had those two campaign workers carrying out her implicit orders. You also believe all the misinformation that conservatives are running around & saying about Obama. Whatever

Fair play!