Originally Posted By: Whomod
And besides, after the havoc the Republicans have wreaked on our country and around the world the past seven years, being called a Liberal isn’t a bad thing. Considering how wrong Bush and his enabling Republican cronies have been, does the National Journal really want to be saying that Barack Obama has been right more often than any other senator?

That's because on the issues of (1) domestic spending, (2) the deficit, and (3)not cracking down on illegal immigration, and even (4) nation-building, Bush has behaved like a tax-and-spend liberal, rather than like a Republican.

And don't forget that the Democrats you exalt as the Great Alternative, are the same individuals who voted for the Iraq war, and for all the domestic spending you deceptively blame entirely on Bush.

Although Bush deserves criticism for not exerting his veto power to cut Congressional spending and earmarks. At the end of his presidency, he finally talks tough about actually using it.