Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 10-18-2006
the new TIME magazine, for the week of October 23, 2006, gave this obituary:

  • DIED. Gerry Studds, 69. Former Democrat Representative from Massachusetts, and the first openly gay member of Congress, whom the House censured in 1983 for having had an affair with a 17-year-old male page; of complications from a blood clot in his lung; in Boston.
    After surviving the sex scandal, Studds was elected to several more terms, and in 1996 Congress named a national marine sanctuary after him in recognition of his environmental work.

Funny how Republicans didn't demand the then-Democrat-speaker's resignation for not preventing Studds' abuse.
Democrats, in the same stiuation as Foley, slapped Studds' wrist with a minimal "censure" (a la Clinton), kept him in office, and then honored him, ignoring his crimes.

So much for the oh-so-superior and morally outraged Democrats.


 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I haven't defended the fact that Foley is a pedophile scumbag.

I've only pointed out that Democrats have blown this Foley event way out of proportion, insinuating a wider Republican conspiracy in the Foley scandal, while in truth Pelosi and other Democrats are just as culpable for "sitting on" knowledge that something wasn't right with Foley.
And the liberal media as well, who knew about and sat on this story for a year, so they could whack the Republicans with an October Surprise.

I've pointed out that Democrats have likewise not exposed their own in similar sex-scandal incidents.

And Democrats have done even worse in protecting criminal sexual activity to protect their political hegemony, a prime example being the Clinton/Lewinsky affair, in which case Clinton was guilty of cover-up, perjury, and likely rape as well. And yet every Democrat Senator and all but five Democrat Representatives voted to keep Clinton in power, and preserve their liberal/Democrat political control.

That's not defending Foley, that's exposing the Democrat double-standard.
Democrats vilify Republicans, while remaining opportunist scumbags themselves.