Here Wonder Boy. Pay attention:

Dan Abrams punks Rep. Jack Kingston.

On MSNBC’s Live With Dan Abrams last night, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) said it was okay to “question” Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) patriotism because he doesn’t regularly wear an American flag lapel pin. Kingston claimed that “everybody” in politics “wears them.” Asked by Abrams if he was wearing one, Kingston had to admit he wasn’t, saying, “I will wear one and I have worn one.” Kingston then feigned ignorance about the irony between his criticism of Obama and his own lack of a lapel pin. Watch it above:

You'd think after he was embarrassed about his hypocrisy on Bill Maher's show regarding the "patriotic" flag pin, he'd remember to wear one since a lapel pin is the true test of patriotism in his book. What a moron. He deserves to have his ass handed to him by Abrahams.

Also in the clip, Drudge was mentioned and the infamous Cunningham remarks were again aired. But oh no, in your fucked up worldview, those aern't attacks therefore no Republican ever attacks anyone.

BTW Wonder Boy. How do you feel about a black President?

Will you guys secede from the Union again? can you guys take this numbnut lapel pin obsessed fool with you? And tell him also that placing your hand over your heart is a requirement of the Pledge of Allegiance and not the fucking National Anthem.