Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
...People like Karl Rove know that the more ridiculous the charge you make, the better. Because they’re not aimed at rational people. They’re aimed at that great teeming mass of Americans who wept with joy when they heard “American Gladiators” was coming back. They’re called “undecideds” or “swing voters”, but I prefer the traditional term, “morons”.

remember, the poster who quoted this is 'with' the majority of Americans.

What happened?

Bill Maher cut a little too close there?

it just amuses me that the left is all about 'the little guy' unless 'the little guy' decides not to vote or respond the way they want them to. at which point they become ignorant, scum-of-the-earth little peons of no use whatsoever to the revolution™. granted, it's understandable that the left's attitude toward its cannon fodder is capricious at best - otherwise they wouldn't be cannon fodder - but isn't it the democrat way to keep the charade going right up until election day?

I'm not mad, just amused. amused because it's always entertaining to see those who claim to speak for 'the people' try and explain away things like the 2004 presidential election. but don't worry, little peons - I'm sure the limousine liberals will at least have some table scraps left over for you on the other side of the revolution™.


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