I'm not knocking you for bringing it up bsams. You're hardly the only one. I meant that if it wasn't the Yankees (or Red Sox) it wouldn't have been a story. But people love to hate the Yankees and now the Red Sox since they are winners.

On Saturday's home plate collision: Bsams said that it was a good hard play and if you don't want to get barreled over then don't block the plate.

I respectfully disagree. The opposite side of that coin is if it's just a spring training game and the games don't count then why do it. Slide and if you're out you're out no big deal. Johnson of the Rays could have been injured in the play as well or he might have broken something and the Yankee guy might have been fine. I wonder if Maddon would have thought it was a good idea to do that if it was his guy that broke his arm and will be out for 2 months maybe ending his baseball career.

I have watched for 12 season under Torre the Yanks sit and get bullied around by every team in baseball (especially the Red Sox and their purpose pitches to Jeter) and NEVER retaliate. Fuck that shit. If you want to do stuff that is questionable but "part" of the game then don't be a bitch when it comes back to bite you in the ass. Gomes had no business coming out of the outfield like that yesterday. If anything let the Jap take issue with it.

It's about Goddamned time we had a manager who is not afraid to take the opposing players out if they try that shit with you.