Originally Posted By: whomod
How so? They were the same story! the only fact I got wrong was that I initially said troops and not cops, troopers, state police deputies or whatever the hell they were. that was because at the time I wrote it, I was going on memory about something I read over 2 years ago. The point I was trying to make was that black residents were trapped in New Orleans and not there because they were too stupid or lazy to get out. My point wasn't about troops, it was about people being prevented from leaving by force. And that hasn't changed once in all of this.

The level of venom raised by all this though is astounding to me. The fact that cops stood at a bridge and stopped people from leaving doesn't offend you guys as much as me having gotten a detail about whether it was cops or troops? And could there have been white people among them? Probably a few. From everything I read on this though, it was mostly if not entirely a black crowd. And yeah, there are arguments that it was a public safety issue and not racism and all that. The 60 Minutes piece I posted addresses all those arguments nicely.

BTW. The AP sites archives are shit. I've checked several other AP stories from a few years ago even under advanced search with precise dates and info, they don't show up.

The only way they do appear to be valid and real is under a Nexis search.

All your cries of evil racism aren't supported by your own articles. All those articles show is further incompetence by Ray Nagin and the other New Orleans officials by sending unescorted civilians across dangerous, post-Katrina New Orleans with false promises of buses that WEREN'T THERE just to get them out of their jurisdiction. I've already said that those towns' reactions were drastic, but you probably had your head too far up your ass to read that. My position is that nothing that you've posted is proof of racism. You, and many who liked to play the race card during and after Katrina, seem to forget that it was terrible event that made life hard on everyone. But, if I remember correctly, you're the asshole who first tried to politicize Katrina on this board to begin with.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."