Originally Posted By: thedoctor

All your cries of evil racism aren't supported by your own articles. All those articles show is further incompetence by Ray Nagin and the other New Orleans officials by sending unescorted civilians across dangerous, post-Katrina New Orleans with false promises of buses that WEREN'T THERE just to get them out of their jurisdiction. I've already said that those towns' reactions were drastic, but you probably had your head too far up your ass to read that. My position is that nothing that you've posted is proof of racism. You, and many who liked to play the race card during and after Katrina, seem to forget that it was terrible event that made life hard on everyone. But, if I remember correctly, you're the asshole who first tried to politicize Katrina on this board to begin with.

So you think people trying to leave the death and water of New Orleans was a matter of jurisdictional buck passing??


And I'm not the "asshole" who politicized Katrina. The American people did that. And they pretty much finished finding who to blame, thank you very much. The fact that you don't get that is apparent and it probably explains why people like you scratch their heads and wonder why America left you guys.

Of course it's political. When faced with overwhelming catastrophe, people expect and competent and speedy response. From the Government. Government Helping them, not being an impediment to reaching safe ground on some bullshit half assed assertion that your resources are stretched thin as well. Stretched thin BUT on safer ground. And if you're mad at me for the racial overtones. again, it's not just me. That's pretty much the opinion out there except in right wing land where racism is something to be scoffed at and attacked.