Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Obama's national lead has literally evaporated according to Reuters & he's losing to McCain by a larger percentage than Hillary according to Rasmussen. For the good of the party he may want to start considering dropping out.


So you're pleased that Hillary has bloodied Obama significantly for the Republicans?

You're just as deluded as Hillary is. all that matters is Hillary coming out on top. Whether they survive to win the Presidential race doesn't seem to factor into your equations. All that matters is Hilary Hillary Hillary and screw the Democratic Party's chances. Obama still has more delegates so the only one that needs to drop out and needed to drop out weeks ago is Hillary Clinton.

I attribute most of Obama's recent big drop because alot of voters were probably turned off because of his spiritual advisor/mentor's whole "god damn America" crap. That's not Hillary's fault nor has she tried using it against Obama. The blame for Obama's current problems fall directly on his own shoulders. Perhaps I'm wrong but I find it highly unlikely he can win the general election at this point.

Starting out with making a speech about Rev. Wright and coming out being almost universally praised and compared to Lincoln, Kennedy and FDR if not simply 'historic' ain't small change.