...Republicans for Obama

Some Republicans are switching from hoping that Clinton, with her high negatives, will win the nomination to rooting for Obama with the possibility of even higher negatives if the Wright videos with their porn-flick graininess and hysterical tone continue to dominate the conversation.

Republican strategist Alex Castellanos says his party is, for the first time, ``rethinking Hillary as their favorite candidate.''

One Republican particularly unmoved by Obama's speech was Representative Peter King of New York who said his party had ``to make Reverend Wright a centerpiece of the campaign.''

This is the same King who pointedly overlooked the murderous tactics of the Irish Republican Army and its association with Hezbollah as he vigorously justified their cause in the 1980s and 90s.

`Eat This Up'

One consultant, Rick Wilson, who made the 2002 ad linking former Democratic Senator Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden, told politico.com the Republicans should ``eat this up like cake.''

This isn't going to go away.

Fair play!