Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
your a moron, the story says they both have been hurt, clinton bt her tactics, and Obama's membership to a racist church. can you read english?

by the way the headline is "Democrats Are Tied in New Poll" in your story, this shows that Obama is not a frontrunner as he tries to spin, but actually they are tied. im sure as more of Obama's racist past surfaces, he should be in good shape at the general election

You really are stupid, aren't you? Can you not differentiate between being "tied" as far as this opinion poll is concerned among registered Democrats and being the Democratic front runner because you are way ahead of delegates won, given by people who already voted? On that note, and pretty much the only one that really counts and determines the current front runner, Obama is way ahead of Hillary.

As far as the title is concerned, I completely copied and pasted the WSJ story from 5 hours ago. Since then they've apparently changed the title of the story. But since you'll probably claim I made the Obama title up or something, here's a snapshot of the Google search:


Others also copied it with the old title and re-posted it, including Drudge.

and a direct link to the picture I posted:

Pastor Flap Hasn't Hurt Obama

But knowing you, you'll just say I made it up anyways out of spite or something. Or just anger that Obama is cleaning Clinton's clock and he's getting closer and closer to the Presidency.

And forgive me for saying so but you seem unnaturally obsessed with reverse racism. Did a black man take a job you were supposedly more qualified for with your keener intellect?

Like say that keen intellect that allows you to know the difference between being tied in an opinion poll and being way ahead in pledged delegate votes?

Or not.

But the point of the original WSJ title still stands. The Pastor flap hasn't hurt Obama in any significant way and in fact, his historic speech actually helped him. On the other hand, Hillary's incessant attacks are hurting her and she's dropping to where her unfavorable rating is down and she no longer has the slight edge over Obama that she got when the Wright thing was being circulated last week. That was the worst week of his campaign and he did quite well, remarkably so all things considered. Too bad for you. \:\(

He is doing badly with older white southerners though. Big surprise there. The good news is that it doesn't matter.