Originally Posted By: whomod

As far as the title is concerned, I completely copied and pasted the WSJ story from 5 hours ago. Since then they've apparently changed the title of the story. But since you'll probably claim I made the Obama title up or something, here's a snapshot of the Google search:

whomod, i have debated you (and won handily), i have argued with you(and dominated), but this goes beyind disgusting. you've disgraced the memory of kristogar velo. you googled, and when i make this accusation, i admit, i too have googled. but what disgusts me, is the fact that you would photoshop a google search. this goes against everything kristogar velo stood for.

ladies and gentlemen of the rkmbs, the real search results:

go to hell whomod. somewhere an eternal 11 year old is crying.
