Is whomod's real name "David K. Shipler"?

In a LA Times op-ed piece, Shipler sounds a lot like whomod as he explains how racism supposedly lurks in the minds of any one who dares criticize Barack Hussein Obama:
  • In a country so changed that a biracial man who is considered black has a shot at the presidency, the subterranean biases are much less discernible now than when the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. They are subtle, unacknowledged and unacceptable in polite company. But they lurk below, lending resonance to the criticisms of Obama. Black professionals know the double standard. They are often labeled negatively for traits deemed positive in whites: A white is assertive, a black is aggressive; a white is resolute, a black is pushy; a white is candid, a black is abrasive; a white is independent, a black is not a team player. Prejudice is a shape shifter, adapting to acceptable forms.

For example, it also turns out that calling Obama elitist is actually a racial slur:
  • "Elitist" is another word for "arrogant," which is another word for "uppity," that old calumny applied to blacks who stood up for themselves.

Here's another example:
  • Casting Obama as "out of touch" plays harmoniously with the traditional notion of blacks as "others" at the edge of the mainstream, separate from the whole. Despite his ability to articulate the frustration and yearning of broad segments of Americans, his "otherness" has been highlighted effectively by right-wingers who harp on his Kenyan father and spread false rumors that he's a clandestine Muslim.

You can see how the Shipler/whomod method works: every criticism of Obama is "racist". If you say Obama is inexperienced, that's another word for "young," and a young male is a boy. You just called Obama "boy" bigot.

I've mentioned before that I think Obama has been largely admirable for not making his race a factor in the election. However, the more of his surrogates who do make me think that this is only so that his surrogates can do so for him.