Originally Posted By: whomod
this is the first time the mainstream media has delved into the William Ayers issue, one of the many below-the-belt zingers that Hillary has been trying to throw at Obama...
Barack Obama took his first public grilling on his relationship with Bill Ayers last night, and between the moderators' pressing and Clinton's follow-up, it had exactly the effect the Clinton campaign hoped: finally injecting the issue into the public discussion. At the moment, "Ayers" is the fifth most searched term on Google, according to Google Trends; "Ayers Obama" is 15th. "William Ayers" is 26th.

Yes. How DARE the media ask a presidential candidate about his friendship with an admitted terrorist?

Who do those reporters think they are? Didn't they get the memo?

Dammit, people. Let's remember: Obama is Black.

It's racist to ask him about any issue he doesn't wish to discuss.

Let's try and be more sensitive to him prior to the coronation, m'okay?