Clinton To Obama: Stop Whining About Debate

by Aaron Bruns

Hillary Clinton says Obama should stop complaining about taking hard questions at Wednesday’s ABC News debate — since he’ll have to face a lot tougher issues if he becomes president.

In an interview with Fox 29 in Philadelphia, Clinton said of her Democratic opponent, “I know he spent all day yesterday complaining about the hard questions he was asked. Being asked tough questions in a debate is nothing like the pressures you face inside the White House.”

“I’ve been through, what, 23 of these debates?” she said. “As I recall, I was asked some pretty tough questions in nearly every one of them.”

In North Carolina, Obama echoed critics who said ABC’s moderators were focused on trivial matters — and that they seemed tougher on the Illinois Senator than his New York counterpart. “Last night I think we set a new record because it took us 45 minutes before we even started talking about a single issue that matters to the American people,” he said. “Senator Clinton looked in her element. She was taking every opportunity to get a dig in there. Ya know? That’s alright. That’s her right. That’s her right to kind of twist the knife a little bit.”

Clinton’s response: if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. “The special interests are going to be a lot tougher than 90 minutes of questions from two journalists and we need a president who is going to be up there fighting everyday for the American people and not complain about how much pressure there is, and how hard the questions are,” she said.

Now to be fair Clinton has also complained about tough questions. On the other hand I don't remember much if any sympathy for her when the campaign did it. Obama complains & we see a whole bunch of columns criticizing ABC for asking him tough questions.

Fair play!