Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

The only thing is, as I've said many times, Colin Powell was selected by a majority of Americans as the candidate they would have chosen over anyone else in 1992, 1996, and 2000. And there are any number of other highly successful black politicians. The notion that the American public would allow these other black office-holders to rise as far as they have, and then deny the presidency to a guy based on skin-color, is just wild conspiracy.

It's a clever spin by Obama to appeal to black racists, who want to perpetuate race politics, perpetual victimhood, and racial quotas forever. And these liberal policies are, in truth, the most condescending racism of all, despite cloaking this mindset in handouts given under the name of "social justice".

Vindictive prejudicial stereotyping of whites for objectively criticizing Obama.
Slapping false racist labels on non-supporters, to hide the Obama campaign's own racism and blaxploitation. It is truly Whomodian.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Funny you mention Powell since he too recently praised Obama and repeated his points for him.

So unless Colin Powell is really a racist black, this caricature sort of falls flat.

My point was that Powell (a black man) was selected by a majority of Americans as their Presidential candidate of choice over ANYONE ELSE running, consistently, in 1992, 1996 and 2000.
And Powell wasn't even running.
Far from being "a society that won't let a black man rise to the level of president", as a columnist who shares your hatred and stereotypes of Americans alleges. These are consistent polls that disprove that slanderous notion.

That alone renders allegations that the Americans wouldn't accept a black man as president to be so much excrement, so clearly not the reality.

If the American voters don't pick Obama, it's not "racism", they clearly are ready for a black candidate, and as Powells polls make evident, have been for more than a decade, if a decent black candidate is offered.

If Obama is rejected, it is clearly a rejection of his record and approach to the issues, NOT his skin color.

Regarding Powell "praising" Obama, he praised Obama's tactics in a particular instance, not Obama's overall candidacy. Pat Buchanan (in your Olbermann Youtube clips, and pretty much weekly on other programs) has praised aspects of Obama as well, I wouldn't call that an endorsement either. It's just political commentary on aspects of the candidates.

Powell in the same above clip also praised Hillary and McCain, and the wide range of diametrically opposed political beliefs expressed in this election, in what Powell praised as the astonishingly peaceful election process we have, when opinions are so divergent, as compared to the volatile process in other nations.
Most of all, Powell praised our uniquely open election process in which all three candidates were a part of, rather than praising or "endorsing" Obama or anyone else.

Like virtually everything else you link here, you spun that clip as something it was not.