Oh no! Pennsylvanians are increasingly drinking the "Obama Kool-Aid" . ;\)

Wow. There's a lot of buzz about a huge rally in Philadelphia for Obama last night. HUGE:

WITH JUST days to go before the Pennsylvania primary, Sen. Barack Obama last night appeared before thousands of roaring supporters in Independence Mall, and pledged to "declare independence" from Washington politics.

"In four days, you get the chance to help bring about the change that we need right now, Philadelphia," Obama said. "Here in the city and the state that gave birth to our democracy, we can declare our independence from the politics that has shut us out, let us down, and told us to settle."

In his first public Philadelphia appearance, Obama stood on stage before the Independence Visitor Center, addressing a rapturous crowd of roughly 35,000 that stretched all the way to Independence Hall. His warm up acts included will.i.am, lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas.

That has to be one of the biggest political events ever during a primary. Imagine what the general election will be like.

Rooting around this morning, there is excellent first-hand coverage at a recommended post on DailyKos by Sphexus, with lots of pictures and video -- including video of a spontaneous march by thousands of Obama supporters through downtown Philadelphia after the event.

You can probably add these 35,000 people to the list that Hillary doesn't like and doesn't agree with.

The local CBS affiliate has a video of the speech.

Hillary and by extension, the Republicans are swimming against the tide of chnge and yes "bitterness" with the status quo. You can't stop the change. Don't fear it, embrace it! \:\)